Better Me Challenge
Believe me, I know I am SUPER behind on keeping you all updated on my challenge . BUT I DID NOT GIVE UP ON IT! I have just been so busy with work and keeping up with my internship so, I am going to update you on the past month on my challenge and believe me it has not been perfect!
I also want to talk about this new Facebook group I am apart of called Beast Babes a page where motivated, beautiful, amazing young women post their tips, and tricks, to weight loss and being healthy the page was started by a good friend, Mariella who I have posted about before and, has helped me in the past with Girls Help Girls! She is one of the few people I met at AU, that really inspired me! Go check out her page as she too documents her journey to a better life!
One thing I want to add before updating you guys, I realized this challenge went beyond changing how I eat, and daily routines but, even the people I surround myself with. You attract the kind of people who resemble the person you are. So, moral of the story if you are a shitty person 9 times out of 10 those are the kind of people you attract. SO, better yourself and the rest will follow. Learn that sometimes, it's okay to let go of that toxic friendship or relationship to help you grow. Everything you do in this life, should be to benefit you.
Now to update you on how I have been doing for this challenge:
So, if you know me personally you know I drove an old rusted crap van named rusty, who I loved with all my heart and that thing got me everywhere but, it was time to say goodbye and get a new car. Now, my mom most defiantly helped me, but I just wanted to post because it has been a big change and I am so happy! Her name is Sonya and I love her.
Now, I have done pretty adult things this summer, paid off one of my credit cards! Almost finished paying of another one, and I know I said I'd NEVER take off my nails but look, it's just an expense I reallllyyyy don't NEED and believe me that, was a hard thing to do take off my nails, I still want to cry about it but, I also got a new phone and my own phone plan SO I have that credit card bills, and I have to save for my trip to Vegas for my 21st birthday this January! I am so excited, flight is booked and all but, I need to save money for that trip. I also, crashed my grandma's car (oops) and have to pay her back for a new one... SO with that all that being said budget cuts had to be made and unfortunately, my nails had to go. I also realized my nails need a break and need to grow in healthy. I am hoping to give them time and have them healthy and natural for awhile and then get manicures.

This has probably been the best I've done on this entire challenge. I am in bed as soon as I am home from work and showered. I am up pretty early most days for work, so I am in bed asleep 10-10:30 or 11 the latest. Had a few late nights out but, for the most part I am home and in bed. I am like a grandma to be honest, sometimes I'd rather be in bed than out.
Now I hate the gym, I need to learn to go though because, in the winter riding my bike will not be an option anymore. I love riding my bike, and that is what I have done pretty much all summer, including swimming (again I work at a pool) I teach swim lessons and I teach and Aqua Fitness class that honestly, has gotten me super fit. I can post a video on my class next week! You guys might like some of the workouts. The video below is from my job, we do a weekly training called inservice that includes a lot of swimming! Honestly, since I became a lifeguard last summer the swimming has really gotten me in shape!
Alright, listen I'm not even going to say too much on this one other than, I tried. I really did okay, and no, I don't drink everyday or even that often but, as far as having ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES I failed... again it's summer and on my off days when I could go out..I got a little drunk with my friends I am guilty!
Well for the most part, I work outside at a pool so not wearing makeup is super easy! Until my friends want to go out or something... and listen, I tried to wear no makeup with a cute outfit and it felt like I was not complete. Granted, I only wear mascara but even not wearing that made me feel so weird. So, for special occasions I did put on some makeup but, on a regular day to day basis I don't, and I always am bear faced. I still wash my face 2-3 times a day, this summer moisturizer has really been my best friend. Working at a pool and all the chlorine really dries my skin which has been great for getting rid of acne BUT, the dry patches I've had on my skin have been ridiculous. I normally in the winter only put on moisturizer once in the morning and once at night but, being at the pool I have to do it while I'm at work too otherwise, I feel like my face is cracking off.
My hair, honestly does not curl the same anymore and it is making me so sad. For my hair, I really need advice on products! Help me out ladies please, I want my curls back! Any recommendations please let me know! I use this damage control deep conditioner and I feel like it is doing absolutely nothing, so if anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. I know I shouldn't wash it everyday but its hard when, I work at the pool..
I would have good weeks and bad weeks when it came to meal prepping. During the week I was pretty good because, I work everyday all day so I would pack healthy snacks, fruits, veggies, cheese for work. BUT WEEKENDS man look, sometimes I just wanted some chic-fil-a... I really tried my hardest to let it go. Especially, when it would be that time of the month, I need junk food. Another thing that was hard was sometimes I'd be running late to work and forget to pack a lunch and it was just easier to go and buy some food.
Another thing that really messed me up was the Glendale Heights Fest, if you ever have gone, you know the funnel cakes and the food booths are soooooooo good. I couldn't not cheat and go eat at the GH fest. I'm not going to lie one of the days, I went, I ate, and I left. DON'T JUDGE I couldn't pass up a funnel cake and steak nachos.
Most days, I really do try to meal prep and eat from home, I try to eat more fruit and veggies, less bread and carbs but sometimes I just want some cheese fries.
I also want to talk about this new Facebook group I am apart of called Beast Babes a page where motivated, beautiful, amazing young women post their tips, and tricks, to weight loss and being healthy the page was started by a good friend, Mariella who I have posted about before and, has helped me in the past with Girls Help Girls! She is one of the few people I met at AU, that really inspired me! Go check out her page as she too documents her journey to a better life!
One thing I want to add before updating you guys, I realized this challenge went beyond changing how I eat, and daily routines but, even the people I surround myself with. You attract the kind of people who resemble the person you are. So, moral of the story if you are a shitty person 9 times out of 10 those are the kind of people you attract. SO, better yourself and the rest will follow. Learn that sometimes, it's okay to let go of that toxic friendship or relationship to help you grow. Everything you do in this life, should be to benefit you.
Now to update you on how I have been doing for this challenge:
So, if you know me personally you know I drove an old rusted crap van named rusty, who I loved with all my heart and that thing got me everywhere but, it was time to say goodbye and get a new car. Now, my mom most defiantly helped me, but I just wanted to post because it has been a big change and I am so happy! Her name is Sonya and I love her.
Now, I have done pretty adult things this summer, paid off one of my credit cards! Almost finished paying of another one, and I know I said I'd NEVER take off my nails but look, it's just an expense I reallllyyyy don't NEED and believe me that, was a hard thing to do take off my nails, I still want to cry about it but, I also got a new phone and my own phone plan SO I have that credit card bills, and I have to save for my trip to Vegas for my 21st birthday this January! I am so excited, flight is booked and all but, I need to save money for that trip. I also, crashed my grandma's car (oops) and have to pay her back for a new one... SO with that all that being said budget cuts had to be made and unfortunately, my nails had to go. I also realized my nails need a break and need to grow in healthy. I am hoping to give them time and have them healthy and natural for awhile and then get manicures.
This has probably been the best I've done on this entire challenge. I am in bed as soon as I am home from work and showered. I am up pretty early most days for work, so I am in bed asleep 10-10:30 or 11 the latest. Had a few late nights out but, for the most part I am home and in bed. I am like a grandma to be honest, sometimes I'd rather be in bed than out.
Now I hate the gym, I need to learn to go though because, in the winter riding my bike will not be an option anymore. I love riding my bike, and that is what I have done pretty much all summer, including swimming (again I work at a pool) I teach swim lessons and I teach and Aqua Fitness class that honestly, has gotten me super fit. I can post a video on my class next week! You guys might like some of the workouts. The video below is from my job, we do a weekly training called inservice that includes a lot of swimming! Honestly, since I became a lifeguard last summer the swimming has really gotten me in shape!
Alright, listen I'm not even going to say too much on this one other than, I tried. I really did okay, and no, I don't drink everyday or even that often but, as far as having ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES I failed... again it's summer and on my off days when I could go out..I got a little drunk with my friends I am guilty!
Well for the most part, I work outside at a pool so not wearing makeup is super easy! Until my friends want to go out or something... and listen, I tried to wear no makeup with a cute outfit and it felt like I was not complete. Granted, I only wear mascara but even not wearing that made me feel so weird. So, for special occasions I did put on some makeup but, on a regular day to day basis I don't, and I always am bear faced. I still wash my face 2-3 times a day, this summer moisturizer has really been my best friend. Working at a pool and all the chlorine really dries my skin which has been great for getting rid of acne BUT, the dry patches I've had on my skin have been ridiculous. I normally in the winter only put on moisturizer once in the morning and once at night but, being at the pool I have to do it while I'm at work too otherwise, I feel like my face is cracking off.
My hair, honestly does not curl the same anymore and it is making me so sad. For my hair, I really need advice on products! Help me out ladies please, I want my curls back! Any recommendations please let me know! I use this damage control deep conditioner and I feel like it is doing absolutely nothing, so if anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. I know I shouldn't wash it everyday but its hard when, I work at the pool..
I would have good weeks and bad weeks when it came to meal prepping. During the week I was pretty good because, I work everyday all day so I would pack healthy snacks, fruits, veggies, cheese for work. BUT WEEKENDS man look, sometimes I just wanted some chic-fil-a... I really tried my hardest to let it go. Especially, when it would be that time of the month, I need junk food. Another thing that was hard was sometimes I'd be running late to work and forget to pack a lunch and it was just easier to go and buy some food.
Another thing that really messed me up was the Glendale Heights Fest, if you ever have gone, you know the funnel cakes and the food booths are soooooooo good. I couldn't not cheat and go eat at the GH fest. I'm not going to lie one of the days, I went, I ate, and I left. DON'T JUDGE I couldn't pass up a funnel cake and steak nachos.
Most days, I really do try to meal prep and eat from home, I try to eat more fruit and veggies, less bread and carbs but sometimes I just want some cheese fries.
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