Never too young to follow your dreams
So I am late on the blog post (I know my fault) I was super busy this week in school. BUUUUUT GUESS WHAT! I got it together, and I wanted to take the focus of myself and shed some light on an upcoming artist I know SO CHECK OUT HIS MUSIC YOU GUYS WILL NOT REGRET IT.
too Young to Follow Your Dreams
want to be the voice for everyone” – Fred The Prodigy
Fredrick N. Morris better known as, “Fred The Prodigy” lets nothing stand in
the way of his music career especially his age and circumstances. Being a young
independent artist, Fred has accomplished more than imaginable all on his own.
With his breakthrough song that was released in 2015, “Struggle No More” (If
you haven’t heard it by now please go check it out) the song in which he
dedicated to his late friend Jake Drew, having stations on Pandora, iHeart
Radio, Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Deezer, YouTube and YouTube music. All in
which he did on his own, starting off by posting low-quality videos on his
Facebook to having them professionally produced. You can find all his stations
and most of his music under Fred the Prodigy which is becoming a brand, without
a record label, manager, assistant or, agent. Goes to show, nothing is
impossible if you work hard to get there. The real question who is Fred the
Prodigy? Or more importantly who is Fred N. Morris? Well, he was born on the
West side of Chicago, November 25, 1996. He grew up in Chicago till the age of
13 where he moved to Lombard with his mom, two sisters and brother. He attended Glenbard East Highschool and
graduated in 2015 following, Robert Morris University for a year. Fred is a
huge health fanatic and expressed, “I am a bit of a health nut, so I workout a
lot in my free time”. Music has been a big part of his life ever since he could
remember, “I have been creating my own music since the age of 9, but that
mainly included remixes of my favorite songs. I really started making my own
original songs at the age of 13.” His inspiration for life and his music stems
from his family, and his goal to give them a better life anyway that he can he
also, sees music as a form of art and has used it to express himself. Fred says,
“My mother has been breaking her back for my siblings and I our whole lives and
I just cannot wait until the day comes when I can tell her she doesn’t have to
stress anymore. The love of the art is also my inspiration I just love being
able to create. It makes me feel things that I can't even explain. In the start
I was Inspired by my life and city to make music. Being a shy kid, I didn’t
have a lot of friends in elementary school (on the west side of Chicago) and I
even dealt with bullies a lot. So, I turned to poetry to deal with the stress.
Later on, after being motivated by some of my favorite artist, I turned my
poetry into music and I’ve been in love ever since.” Another huge inspiration
in his life and his motivation to continue to persevere, comes from strength he
sees in his mother as she continues to fight and beat cancer. He says,
“although she’s in a tough situation, she’s very strong and she’s beating it.
All while keeping her faith and a positive mind. She lets me know that no
matter how hard things get, if you stay strong, have faith in yourself and keep
pushing, you can beat the odds. That’s why I keep pushing my music.” What makes
his music unique is, his want to be the voice for all, for the lost kids, for
the people who need it most, for anyone, “Every song is different with all
kinds of messages. Some songs are made to give hope and others are made to
simply tell the story. I am a jack of all trades and I couldn’t sum up my work
with one message. Instead I want to be the voice for everyone. Weather it’s the
person dealing with depression and anxiety or the person who just wants to have
fun.” What separates him morally from other rappers is, it’s not about the
money (that’s a bonus) he genuinely enjoys what he does. Music has been there
for him so he wants and hopes his music can be there for others he says, “To me
it’s in my soul, in my heart beat. I don’t think I could live in a world
without any form of music. It has helped me in plenty of dark times and I think
that it’s amazing that I am so blessed to start my career in this field.” In
the next 5 years he hopes to be established in the Industry, with a better
brand and a bigger fan base and while achieving his own dreams he wants to help
others reach their own. So be sure if you read this article or my blog, CHECK
OUT HIS MUSIC. Also, be on the lookout for his E.P “Not for everyone” scheduled
to be released between now and January 2018. For the meantime? Checkout his
songs: Fly, Risky Business, Broken, I Am, Cold Plant and his stations that you
can find under Fred the Prodigy.
To Fred,
Keep on writing and
inspiring others!
Fred and his mom!
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