When love arrives by: Sarah Kay
So I decided I would do a little snippet from one of my favorite poems by my favorite Poet Sarah Kay and talk about it:
But love also cries. And love will tell you you are beautiful and mean it, over and over again. You are beautiful. When you first wake up, “you are beautiful.” When you’ve just been crying, “you are beautiful.” When you don’t want to hear it, “you are beautiful.” When you don’t believe it, “you are beautiful.” When nobody else will tell you, “you are beautiful.” Love still thinks- you are beautiful. But love is not perfect and will sometimes forget, when you need to hear it most, you are beautiful, do not forget this.
Love is not who you were expecting, love is not who you can predict. Maybe love is in New York City, already asleep, and you are in California, Australia, wide awake. Maybe love is always in the wrong time zone, maybe love is not ready for you. Maybe you are not ready for love. Maybe love just isn’t the marrying type. Maybe the next time you see love is twenty years after the divorce, love is older now, but just as beautiful as you remembered. Maybe love is only there for a month. Maybe love is there for every firework, every birthday party, every hospital visit. Maybe love stays- maybe love can’t. Maybe love shouldn’t.
Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to, and love leaves exactly when love must. When love arrives, say, “Welcome. Make yourself comfortable.” If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her. Turn off the music, listen to the quiet, whisper, “Thank you. Thank you for stopping by.”
"Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to". Often times we want love to be easy and sometimes it is, but sometimes it's not. Honestly I think love is more of a choice then a feeling, we choose to love someone for everything they have to offer, for the beautiful things about them like, the way their eyes shine in the light or the way they smell. We choose to love someone for their flaws too and I think we forget that sometimes. We choose to hold on to all their beauty and let go when we see the slightest bit of ugly. Sometimes love is right in front of our faces and we don't even know it because were to busy looking around for something new and profound. Sometimes love is spontaneous, exciting, heartfelt and intense but, sometimes its calming, comforting, and soothing. Love comes in so many different forms at any given time but, love doesn't knock much so when it does make sure you open the door and welcome it with open arms, open heart, and open mind. Be patient, don't try and force what can't be explained and just let it happen.
"If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her". No one ever tells us what to do or say when you get your heartbroken, they don't tell you how to pick up all the pieces he dropped but, don't let it turn you away from trying to fall in love again. If the door has been slammed in your face remember that their is another door around the corner waiting to be opened. Stay kind and gentle even when you feel like you can't. Take every heartbreak as a lesson. And please, please, please, never settle. Don't sell yourself short because, you are never asking for too much when it comes to your heart. Be gentle with your heart and your feelings but don't be to over protective where you don't let anyone in. And set the bar for your relationship high because, you shouldn't receive less than what you give. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Give second chances but, don't let them take advantage of your heart. Don't look for love let love find you and when it does let it love you unconditionally like you've never hurt before. Just don't ever give up on it no matter what form you receive it in.
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